Sunday, 18 April 2010

Opennight#4 : Emmanuel Revah - Lost in translation - screening

Emmanuel Revah screened his video piece - "Lost in translation",a photo montage piece, using photos of his travels.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

OpenNight#4 : CuntBucket - Six to Four

Cuntbucket finish with another very cool piece.

there is a video excerpt here

OpenNight#4 : CuntBucket - Senderos Luminosos

Cuntbucket play pong ...

OpenNight#4 : Rob Munro

Rob teset out some video patches he is working on - he insists they aren't finished yet.

OpenNight#4 : Johnny Stutters

Johnny stutters come out with another cracking set for OpenNight

OpenNight #4 : PixelPusher - ICESNAKE==NOISE

Evan Raskob (PixelPusher) plays ICESNAKE==NOISE, a supercollider patch for audio controlled on his tablet while the iceworm is generated in fluxus.

Opennight #4 : Luke Jordan

Luke plays some cool PureData patches and the coil.

Opennight #4 : Lea Nicholson

Lea Nicholson plays some cool supercollider sounds controlled by wiimotes